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Face detection

The face detection section of the configuration file contains the settings that are used to detect faces in the images of the dataset, if needed.

    enabled: true
    output_path: /path/to/face_detection_output
        name: mtcnn_detector
            arg1: value1
            arg2: value2

The enabled field is a boolean that indicates whether face detection should be performed or not.

The output_path field is a string that indicates the path where the face detection output should be saved.

The algorithm field has two subfields: name specifies the name of the face detector to use, and args is a dictionary of arguments that will be passed to it.


The name field is case-insensitive, and all hyphens and underscores are ignored, so MTCNN_DETECTOR, MtcnnDetector, mtcnn-detector and mtcnn_detector are all equivalent and will use the same MTCNNDetector.

Face detectors

There are three face detectors already available in Revelio:

Both dlib and MTCNN also extract facial landmarks, while OpenCV does not.


The dlib face detector is based on the dlib library.

The dlib face detector has the following arguments:

  • landmark_predictor_path (optional path, default: None): the path to the file containing the facial landmark predictor model. If None, facial landmarks will not be extracted. The landmark predictor model can be downloaded from the dlib website.
    enabled: true
    output_path: /path/to/face_detection_output
        name: dlib_detector
            landmark_predictor_path: /path/to/landmark_predictor.dat


The opencv face detector is based on the OpenCV library.

The opencv face detector has the following arguments:

  • classifier_path (required path): the path to the file containing the OpenCV face detector model that the CascadeClassifier will load. The most common model is haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml, which is available on the OpenCV GitHub repository.
    enabled: true
    output_path: /path/to/face_detection_output
        name: opencv_detector
            classifier_path: /path/to/classifier.xml


The mtcnn face detector is based on the MTCNN library.

The mtcnn face detector has no arguments.

    enabled: true
    output_path: /path/to/face_detection_output
        name: mtcnn_detector